Climate Anxiety Content / Climate Anxiety Content for swagÍâÁ÷ en Creative Writing a Gateway to Creative Climate Solutions /climate/news/creative-writing-gateway-creative-climate-solutions Creative storytelling and art can help the world process the changing climate. Collaborations between artists and scientists can give rise to new, innovative solutions. May 06, 2024 - 12:27pm Malia Reiss /climate/news/creative-writing-gateway-creative-climate-solutions Why Climate Doomsday-ism Doesn’t Work /climate/blog/why-climate-doomsday-ism-doesnt-work Terms like “apocalyptic†are ineffective and potentially damaging when describing climate science. We need to tell stories about solutions—in the same story, if possible—and be careful about the language we use and its impact. August 17, 2022 - 9:12am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/blog/why-climate-doomsday-ism-doesnt-work ‘Confronting Climate Anxiety’ Series Launches /climate/news/confronting-climate-anxiety-series-launches A new swagÍâÁ÷ series asks eight climate scientists how they deal with climate anxiety and still find joy in the job. August 08, 2022 - 10:00am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/confronting-climate-anxiety-series-launches Melinda Adams: Flame Keeper /news/climate/melinda-adams-flame-keeper swagÍâÁ÷ environmental scientist and Native American scholar Melinda Adams on indigenous fire, climate anxiety and not giving up on a warming world. August 08, 2022 - 10:00am Katherine E Kerlin /news/climate/melinda-adams-flame-keeper Amanda Frazier: Holding Kindness /news/climate/amanda-frazier-holding-kindness swagÍâÁ÷ polar fish ecologist Amanda Frazier on climate anxiety and the wonders of Antarctica and human kindness. August 08, 2022 - 10:00am Katherine E Kerlin /news/climate/amanda-frazier-holding-kindness Eric Post: Arctic Awe and Anxiety /climate/news/eric-post-arctic-awe-and-anxiety swagÍâÁ÷ polar ecologist Eric Post addresses climate anxiety in the classroom to help equip future climate scientists with the emotional tools for the job. August 08, 2022 - 10:00am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/eric-post-arctic-awe-and-anxiety Alyssa Griffin: The Capacity to Care /news/climate/alyssa-griffin-capacity-care swagÍâÁ÷ assistant professor Alyssa Griffin discusses blue carbon, parenthood and climate anxiety as part of a swagÍâÁ÷ series "Confronting Climate Anxiety." August 08, 2022 - 10:00am Katherine E Kerlin /news/climate/alyssa-griffin-capacity-care Levi Lewis: The Value of ‘And’ /news/climate/levi-lewis-and-value-and Fisheries ecologist Levi Lewis discusses climate anxiety, privilege, fish and the power of ‘and’ as part of swagÍâÁ÷’ climate anxiety series. August 08, 2022 - 10:00am Katherine E Kerlin /news/climate/levi-lewis-and-value-and Keith Bein: Chasing Wildfire /climate/news/keith-bein-chasing-wildfire Air quality researcher Keith Bein uses a mobile lab to take air quality samples amid some of California's worst wildfire smoke. He's highlighted as part of a swagÍâÁ÷ series about how scientists deal with climate anxiety in their work. August 08, 2022 - 10:00am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/keith-bein-chasing-wildfire Tessa Hill: Telling the Ocean’s Secrets /news/climate/tessa-hill-telling-oceans-secrets swagÍâÁ÷ marine geochemist Tessa Hill talks about the emotional burdens and joys of studying climate change for this series about confronting climate anxiety. August 08, 2022 - 10:00am Katherine E Kerlin /news/climate/tessa-hill-telling-oceans-secrets