Early Career Faculty Award for Creativity and Innovation Content / Early Career Faculty Award for Creativity and Innovation Content for swagÍâÁ÷ en Biocrust Mapping Project Wins Creativity-Innovation Award /news/biocrust-project-wins-creativity-innovation-award Xiaoli Dong is putting biological soil crust on the climate change research map, a project for which she received swagÍâÁ÷’ single Early Career Faculty Award for Creativity and Innovation for 2023. May 23, 2023 - 10:30am Dave Jones /news/biocrust-project-wins-creativity-innovation-award Thwarting Viruses, Restoring Speech /news/thwarting-viruses-restoring-speech <p class="default">How creative and innovative are the recipients of swagÍâÁ÷’ 2022 Early Career Faculty Awards for Creativity and Innovation?</p> August 30, 2022 - 3:08pm Dave Jones /news/thwarting-viruses-restoring-speech Awards for Creativity and Innovation /news/awards-creativity-and-innovation <p class="MsoNormal">One is an art historian who is researching a book on the centuries-old efforts by the Aztec and Spanish to combat catastrophic inundation in the “aquatic metropolis†of Mexico City. The other is an engineer who has teamed up with swagÍâÁ÷ Medical Center physicians to improve amputees’ control over their bionic prostheses.</p> July 27, 2021 - 3:12pm Dave Jones /news/awards-creativity-and-innovation Innovation Award to Find Disease-Fighting Plant Compounds /curiosity/news/innovation-award-find-disease-fighting-plant-compounds <p>A $40,000 swagÍâÁ÷ Early Career Faculty Award for Creativity and Innovation&nbsp;will give Assistant Professor Nitzan Shabek,&nbsp;Department of Plant Biology, the opportunity to expand his cutting-edge research on the chemical world of plant biomolecules by integrating virtual reality technology.&nbsp;The research could lead to the development of innovative treatments for disease in both medicine and agriculture.</p> April 09, 2020 - 11:23am Andy Fell /curiosity/news/innovation-award-find-disease-fighting-plant-compounds Innovation Award for Amoeba ‘Cell Nibbling’ /news/innovation-award-amoeba-cell-nibbling <p>Katherine Ralston, assistant professor in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, College of Biological Sciences, is the recipient of the swagÍâÁ÷ Early Career Faculty Award for Creativity and Innovation for 2019.&nbsp;</p> <p>The one-time award of $40,000 will support Ralston’s research into the recently discovered process of trogocytosis, in which cells bite pieces off each other.&nbsp;</p> April 15, 2019 - 10:38am Andy Fell /news/innovation-award-amoeba-cell-nibbling 2 Creativity-Innovation Awards in 2018 /news/2-creativity-innovation-awards-2018 <p>swagÍâÁ÷ this year is giving not one but two Early Career Faculty Awards for Creativity and Innovation. The recipients (each of whom receives $40,000 to support their research proposals as listed):</p> May 08, 2018 - 9:26am Dave Jones /news/2-creativity-innovation-awards-2018