
Quarter Century Club to Honor 262 in 2016

The swagÍâÁ÷ Quarter Century Club will hold its 77th annual dinner on Thursday, Oct. 20, welcoming 164 new members who have joined the ranks of employees with 25 years of service to swagÍâÁ÷. The event also will honor 62 members who have reached the 50-year mark (counting their time on the job and years since retirement).

The club first met in 1939 and today has more than 4,000 members.

This year’s dinner is being held at the Embassy Suites Sacramento Riverfront Promenade Hotel. Details, including transportation options and reservation deadline, are included in the invitation. Questions may be directed to Bill Kuhlman, event manager, 530-754-2011.

Here are the Quarter Century Club's newest members, along with those who have reached the 50-year mark:

25 Years

Jose L. Aguero, FM: Fleet Services
Juan A. Aguilera, VMTH: Large Animal Feed and Bedding
Bernadette T. Agustin, UCDHS: D-3 University Birthing Center
Kristine L. Ahlberg, UCDHS: Pediatric IV Infusion Center
Cynthia L. Anderson, UCDHS: Orthopedics Clinic
Diane F. Apparcel, UCDHS: Decision Support Services
Elizabeth A. Applegate, Nutrition
Emmanuel Arkoh, UCDHS: Central Processing
Steven E. Asercion, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean’s Office
Richard J. Atherley, UCDHS: Anesthesiology
Edna Baca, Human Resources
Kathleen Behan, UCDHS: swagÍâÁ÷ Heart Center
Patsy E. Bethards, UCDHS: Clinical Case Management
Ian R. Blake, L&S: Deans Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies
Karen M. Boerner, MED: Hematology/Oncology
Kenneth L. Bolen, FM: BMS-Plumbing and Steam
Monica L. Brauer, UCDHS: E-5 Comp Acute Rehab Unit
Lisa A. Brodkey, Compliance
Robert Douglas Brown, UCDHS: Med Services Abstracting Unit
Mary A. Bryan, UCDHS: Amb Clin Ops, Med Care Administration

Elizabeth B. Canlas, UCDHS: T-8 Transplant/Metabolic
Penny S. Carter, IET Communications Resources
Sherri L. Carter, UCDHS: MC: D-6 Cardiology
Beverly A. Casarez-Luman, UCDHS: Kidney Transplant Operations
William H. Casey, Chemistry
Gary S. Chan, swagÍâÁ÷ Analytical Lab
Yun J. Chang, UCDHS: E-5 Comp Acute Rehab Unit
Victor Claassen, Land, Air and Water Resources
Yolanda Coker, UCDHS: T-6 Medical ICU
Dawn Cooper, UCDHS: Ellison OB/GYN Practice
John Corbett III, UCDHS: PM&R-Physical Therapy
Dana L. Covington, UCDHS: PCS Administration
Stephen P. Cramer, Chemistry
Debra M. Cryder, UCDHS: T-7 Medical Specialties ICU
Stephen R. Dana, IET: Academic Technology Services
Filomena L. Dasalla, UCDHS: MC: D-6 Cardiology
David M. Dean, Fire
Angel Del Valle, Veterinary Genetics Lab
Karen A. Dell, UCDHS: PCS Staffing and Bed Control
Zita M. Demaree, Student Housing
Lorie E. Dilts, MED: VC/Dean’s Office
Aliki Dragona, University Writing Program
Ping Du, VM: Center for Comparative Medicine
Kathleen A. Duke, UCDHS: Clinical Case Management

Kristina C. Ehrke, University Extension
Fidelis O. Eke, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Charles S. Fadley, Physics
Lori J. Faherty, VM: Wildlife Health Center
Sharon L. Fanning, UCDHS: Pharmacy Inpatient
Craig F. Farris, Strategic Communications
Thomas J. Ferguson, Student Health and Counseling Services
Mary A. Fields, Accounting and Financial Services
Kevin L. Floyd, UCDHS: MC: P-3 Cardio-Thoracic ICU
Laura A. Gay, UCDHS: Med Services Abstracting Unit
Candy L. Giambruno, Undergraduate Admissions
Marianne Goetze, BFTV Administration
George J. Gonzalez, UCDHS: Patient Transport Service
Therese Maxwell Gray, UCDHS: Infection Control
Daniel P. Guillaume, UCDHS: Respiratory Care
Steven A. Gutierrez, UCDHS: Medical Center Human Resources
Lance Edward Halsted, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Christine D. Harlan, Metro Cluster
Sophia J. Haro, MED: Public Health Sciences
Rick D. Harse, UCDHS: Radiation Oncology
Sherri L. Hart, UCDHS: Internal Medicine Clinics
Kerry Lynn Hasa, Education
Mashelle A. Heffelfinger, UCDHS: Health Information Management
Yolanda E. Henderson, UCDHS: Affirmative Action
Christine M. Herkenrath, VM: Center for Comparative Medicine
John F. Hess, MED: Cell Biology and Human Anatomy
Patrick P. Hietala, UCDHS: Medical Center
Cindy J. Holm, UCDHS: Medical Center Operating Room
Mark L. Holtsman, UCDHS: MAP Appointments
Tammy A. Hoyer, Undergraduate Research Center
Lori A. Hubbard, Office of the Chancellor

Michele M. Igo, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
Lena L. Jow, UCDHS: Chemistry and Urinalysis
Janine B. Kasper, VM: Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology
James D. Kirk, UCDHS: Medical Center
Carla M. Kobza, UCDHS: Radiology Administration
Renee E. Kuehnau, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Wendy T. Lacosse, UCDHS: Hematology I
Jennifer M. Lazzari, VM: Small Animal Imaging Services
Timothy C. Leamy, IET: Academic Technology Services
Susan A. Lentz, UCDHS: Radiation Oncology
Lynn M. Loftis, UCDHS: GI/Endoscopy Unit
Ana M. Lopez, Student Health and Counseling Services
Theresa Ann Lown, UCDHS: Cancer Center Clinic
Karen E. Lyman, UCDHS: Quality and Safety
Michelle A. McArdle, Parking Services
Linda J. Mimnaugh, UCDHS: Clinical Nurse Specialists
Dorothy A. Moffett, UCDHS: GI/Endoscopy Unit
Eric R. Moore, UCDHS: E-8 Med-Surgery
Larry Z. Morand, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Catherine A. Mulholland, UCDHS: PCS Administration
Sandra L. Munoz, UCDHS: Managed Care UM/Case Management

Judith P. Ng, Library
Beth A. Ober, Human Ecology
Steven K. Oerding, IET: Academic Technology Services
Lanette D. Olsen, Internship and Career Center
Alex P. Park, ASUCD
Marilyn M. Parker, UCDHS: Staff Recruiting
Kathleen C. Patrocinio, Library
Cheryl L. Patzer, UCDHS: T-8 Transplant/Metabolic
Lorraine Pellegrino, UCDHS: Cardiothoracic PCU
Gary Perez, Grounds Services
Lisa L. Perez, UCDHS: D-11 Trauma Nursing Unit
Kathryn Perry, UCDHS: Plant Operations and Maintenance
Ann Marie Phillips, UCDHS: swagÍâÁ÷ Heart Center
Kimberly E. Plumb, MED: Ophthalmology
Amy E. Rafferty, Strategic Communications
Rebecca R. Reynolds, UCDHS: Clinical Case Management
Deborah J. Roberts, UCDHS: Parking Operations
Cristina G. Robinson, UCDHS: E-5 Neurosciences
Maryclaire K. Robinson, Physical Education Program
Poncy Rodriguez, UCDHS: Parking Operations
Mark S. Romney, UCDHS: Facilities Planning
Moshe Rosenberg, Food Science and Technology
Patrick F. Rossitto, UCDHS: Nuclear Medicine
Mark T. Ruhe, VM: Center for Comparative Medicine
Faustin Rusanganwa, FM: Custodial Services

Susan Sainz, Center for Neuroscience
Albert Schwarz, Mathematics
Joann Seibles, MED: Family and Community Medicine
Tommie S. Serpa, OVCR-Sponsored Programs
Saras Shankar, UCDHS: Anesthesiology
Sharon Shoemaker, Food Science and Technology
Okja Sim, UCDHS: Patient Care Resources
Colleen C. Simmons, UCDHS: Vascular Clinic
Lee J. Smith, UCDHS: APS Appointments
Piper L. Smith, UCDHS: Spine Clinic
Mirjana Snow, UCDHS: PET
Richard E. Staab, UCDHS: Hospital Access Services
Kimber L. Stanhope, VM: Molecular Bio Sciences
Phillip D. Stark, UCDHS: Pharmacy Operations
Cynthia A. Steele, UCDHS: Pediatric Ambulatory Services
Lisa Steinlein, UCDHS: Medical Center Operating Room
Patricia L. Stonebraker, UCDHS: Financial Clearance
Jaime K. Stowers, UCDHS: Hospital Access Services
Donald R. Strong, Evolution and Ecology
John D. Stumbos, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean’s Office
Charles W. Sutter, UCDHS: PCN Roseville (FP)
Eric Svenpladsen, ASUCD

Barbara Takemoto-Weerts, Shared Services Center
Donna J. Thies, UCDHS: PCS Radiology
Martin D. Tholen, UCDHS: Clinical Engineering
James D. Thrash, UTIL: Central Heating and Cooling Plant
Yi Tian, Veterinary Genetics Lab
Shirley L. Toy, UCDHS: Cardiothoracic PCU
Patrick A. Van Dyke, VM: Central Services
Koen K. Van Rompay, Primate Center
Laura S. Van Winkle, VM: Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology
Lisa K. Varnum, Intercollegiate Athletics
Chris J. Vasquez, UCDHS: Kitchen/Production
Edgardo Vasquez, Primate Center
Virginia Velasquez, UCDHS: Social Services
Ann E. Vrinten, UCDHS: T-7 Medical Specialties ICU
Deanne M. Wehman, Human Resources
Kristine Weidner, UCDHS: Medical Center D-8 Oncology/Bone Marrow Transplant
Anne Wetle, UCDHS: Pharmacy Inpatient
Barry D. Williams, Environmental Health and Safety
Charles L. Witcher, UCDHS: Plant Operations and Maintenance
Kazuo Yamazaki, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Debbie M. Zeier, UCDHS: Emergency Medicine

50 Years

Judy K. Barclift, Psychiatry-Medicine
Boyd E. Bentley, Animal Science
James D. Berry, Physiological Science-Veterinary Medicine
Steven E. Boyd, Central Service-Veterinary Medicine
George E. Bruening, Plant Pathology
Don O. Brush, Civil Engineering
Dennice K. Caldwell, Cowell Student Health Center
Hoy F. Carman, Agricultural Economics
Roy C. Carter, Physical Plant-Building Maintenance
Luis R. Castillo, Physical Plant-Refuse Disposal
James A. Cheney, Civil Engineering
Thomas C. Compton, Memorial Union
James M. Currie, Physical Plant-Electrical Shop
Jerry L. Dill, Engineering/Mechanical Services
Dolores M. DuMont, Environmental Studies
Donna Dungan, Primate Center
Harry A. Dwyer, Mechanical, Aeronautical and Materials Engineering
Sigmund Elgert, Land, Air and Water Resources
Ralph A. Ernst, Avian Sciences
Isao Fujimoto, Applied Behavioral Sciences

Graham A.E. Gall, Animal Science
JoAn J. Giannoni, Land, Air and Water Resources
Peggy Gibson, Cowell Student Health Center
Silvia A. Gonzalez, Law Library
Joyce A. Gray, Mechanical, Aeronautical and Materials Engineering
Joyce H. Hall, University Extension
Leroy Hall, Physical Plant-Custodial Services
Mary K. Hanson, Student Housing
Essie M. Hatcher, Cowell Student Health Center
Donald M. Helms, Agronomy and Range Science Leonard R. Herrmann, Civil Engineering
Robert R. Hipps, UCDMC: Architects and Engineers
Regina K. Hodge, Employee Relations and Development
William G. Hoover, Engineering-Applied Science
Barbara A. Horwitz, Animal Physiology
Barbara E. Huffine, Agricultural Economics
Robert L. Hunter, Human Anatomy-Medicine
Paul Jones, Biochemistry and Biophysics
Bruce E. Larock, Civil Engineering
Shuet-Keung Leung, Shields Library
David A. Lundquist, Shields Library

Alexander F. McCalla, Agricultural Economics
Susan L. Munn, Medical Microbiology
Gilbert Parra, Engineering Dean’s Office
Wiltraud J. Pfeiffer, Medical Microbiology
Robert T. Pressly, Police
Calvin O. Qualset, Agronomy and Range Science
D. William Rains, Agronomy and Range Science Carol A. Retzer, Shields Library
Clara V. Robison, Food Science and Technology
Harry B. Russell, Physical Plant-Custodial Services
Dennis W. Shimek, Human Resources
Richard I. Snider, Accounting Office-Central Services
Dennis D. Spang, Physical Plant-Building Maintenance
Donald D. Surratt, Physical Plant-Custodial Services
Kenneth R. Taylor, Animal Science
Mary V. Wann, Student Housing
Darrell F. Washburn, Physical Plant-Water Treatment
Willie J. Watson, Physical Plant-Refrigeration
Barbara D. Webster, Agronomy and Range Science
Robert K. Webster, Plant Pathology
Ron T. Willis, Police

Media Resources

Dateline Staff, 530-752-6556, dateline@ucdavis.edu

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