
EXHIBITIONS: Bridging Art and Science

Graphic: Man playing guitar, a 2012 screenptint by Professor Emeritus Malaquias Montoya
<b>Colorful Screenprints:</b> The exhibition includes this 2012 work by Professor Emeritus Malaquias Montoya.


M.F.A. Exhibition: You Never Know When I'll Show You the Never — Daniel Brickman and Katherine Nulicek, installations of discrete sculptures; Kyle Dunn and Erika Romero, painting and sculpture; Dani Galietti and Jared Theis, performance art; and Terry Peterson, kinetic sculpture. June 8-29, .



Photography: Bridging Art and Science — Fifty students explore the conceptual connections between art and science, and the role of art and science. The exhibition comes out the spring-quarter class, Science and Society 40, taught by atmospheric science professor Terry Nathan as part of the . The exhibition runs through June 27 at the . Regular hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday.


The Department of Chicana/o Studies’ spring mural project is set for dedication today (June 8) at Woodland Community College.

Maceo Montoya, assistant professor, led 20 students in the department’s annual workshop, which this year produced a work titled Our Hope Our Journey Our Dream.

The dedication is scheduled from noon to 1 p.m. in the walkway of Building 800. The college is at 2300 E. Gibson Road.

Read more in this from the Daily Democrat.


Cielo Rojo — Maceo Montoya, artist, writer and assistant professor, Department of Chicana/o Studies, presents 17 paintings in charcoal and acrylic on paper, plus five limited-edition silkscreen prints based on the Cielo Rojo series. , or art workshop of the new dawn, 1224 Lemen Ave., Woodland. Call for exhibition hours: (530) 402-1065.

A Collection of Birds in Linocut — By Emily Sin, who teaches relief printing at the . Through June 8, , . Regular hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Friday, and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.

• Colorful Screenprints: The Artists of TANA — The community art workshop's staff members — including professors Malaquias Montoya, Carlos Jackson and Maceo Montoya — have come together to present 24 screenprints in this exhibition. It is the first show to feature the work of the entire staff of the 2 1/2-year-old TANA, or Taller Arte del Nuevo Amancer (art workshop of the new dawn), a project of the . Malaquias Montoya is a professor emeritus, and Carlos Jackson and Maceo Montoya are assistant professors. Also participating in the screenprints exhibition: Jose Chavez-Verduzco, Olivia Hernandez, Eddie Lampkin, Roque Montez, Jaime Montiel, Gilda Posada and Raquel Rojas.

The TANA artwork is one half of Prints & Portraits, scheduled to run through June 27 at Gallery 625, in the Erwin Meyer Administration Building, 625 Court St., Woodland. The "portraits" are in ceramic, from students of Midtown Community School and the Einstein Education Center, both in Woodland.

Read more about TANA in this Dateline swag about the center's opening in 2010. The center is at 1224 Lemen Ave., Woodland.

• Where They Overlap: — You will know this artist is from Alaska when you look at her work made from things like walrus stomach, seal intestine, reindeer hide, dentalium (tooth or tusk shell), and elk and moose fur. Indeed, she was born in Bethel and raised in Nome, of a cultural background that includes Athabascan, Inupiaq, and a mixture of German and Irish. Working in mixed media painting and sculpture, and drawing on Alaska's native culture, she blends the organic and the synthetic, the traditional and the modern, with acrylic polymer, nylon thread, glass beads, fabric and ink — in her creation of compelling objects, translucent and ambiguous, work that defies expectations in its cultural richness and conceptual interpretations of shape, form and luminosity. Through June 8, , 1316 . Regular hours: noon-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, and 2-5 p.m. Sunday.


 Manuscript archivist Liz Phillips prepared this exhibition on the papers of engineering geologist Nikola P. Prokopovich (1918-99), who worked as a geologist with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Mid-Pacific Region. He worked out of the bureau's Sacramento office from 1958 to 1986, investigating the geology and geochemistry of statewide water projects, including the Central Valley Project and the Solano Project. He was an avid field geologist and spent as much time as possible on site, collecting his own data. Prokopovich was particularly interested in the engineering geology of the Central Valley Project's canals and dam sites, and in the effects of state water projects and field irrigation on the surrounding landscape. The collection includes draft reports, memoranda and published writings, as well as nearly 25,000 slides and photographs documenting his work and the land around his work sites.

"Imagination Turns Every Word Into a Bottle Rocket" — A selection of Sherman Alexie's work as a poet, short story writer, novelist and filmmaker. The exhibition's title (from Alexie's The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, a collection of short stories), evokes quintessential Alexie, in whatever format he writes, according to the library staff. "His words challenge, inspire and move the reader."

Exhibition prepared by the General Library Committee on Diversity, with assistance from Adam Siegel, Native American Studies bibliographer.

Presented in conjunction with the , Alexie's novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.

Materials from the library's Walter Goldwater Radical Pamphlets collection, part of the library's Special Collections. The exhibition debuted last fall as part of the campus's , and now Paper Takes is on display in the Shields Library lobby through winter quarter. Looking beyond the bounds of the campus, the exhibition explores the ways in which intolerant views are communicated and disseminated through pamphlets. Paper Takes explores the particular rhetoric supporting race-based hatred, gender and sexuality bias, and political divisiveness, to better understand the dominant discourses that frame some of our most uncivil exchanges. Displaying a selection from more than 17,000 items in the leading collection of “extreme” pamphlets in the United States, this exhibition provides historical depth to our understanding of the language of hate and intolerance, traces of which remain potent today.

Another exhibition in conjunction with the Distinguished Speakers series at the Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts. is scheduled for Wednesday, May 9. Shields Library describes Smith as "an important countercultural figure" since her seminal punk album, Horses (1975) — and notes that she has been active as a poet and writer as well as a musician. Just Kids, a memoir of her days with Robert Mapplethorpe, won the 2010 National Book Award for Nonfiction. Works of hers in the library collection include Seventh Heaven, Witt, Auguries of Innocence, Early Work, The Coral Sea and Ha! Ha! Houdini! (all poetry), Patti Smith Complete (lyrics) and Just Kids.

In conjunction with at the Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts. The exhibition, prepared by Michael Colby, features items from library collections representing scholarship on the history, music, architecture, culture, practices and, most important, the people of New Orleans.

The presents its exhibitions in the lobby. Regular hours: 7:30 a.m.-midnight Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday, noon-6 p.m. Saturday and noon-midnight Sunday.



Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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