
THE DOWNLOAD: Campus Says Thank-You to Staff

Chancellor Gary S. May falls into a dunk tank.
<strong>Chancellor Gary S. May volunteered to perch above the dunk tank at TGFS &mdash; and cooled off as a result. (Karin Higgins/swagÍâÁ÷)</strong>

Chancellor Gary S. May helped thank the people who keep swagÍâÁ÷ running by stepping into the line of fire: a dunk tank at Thank Goodness for Staff, the annual staff-appreciation picnic held Wednesday (May 8) on Russell Field and organized by Staff Assembly.

A couple staff members with good aim sent May into the water, and he had a lighthearted message for them afterward.

“I got wet,†. “That means everyone who dunked me is fired.â€

There was plenty for the thousands of staff in attendance to do. Here’s how some of their experiences were shared across social media:

Food galore

People line up for food trucks.
Fifteen food trucks were available for hungry staffers. (Gregory Urquiaga/swagÍâÁ÷)

Games aplenty

An illustrator draws a caricature of a staff member.
Staff members could see their likeness reflected on the pages of multiple artists. (Gregory Urquiaga/swagÍâÁ÷)

Made possible by volunteers

Volunteers pose for a photo
Thank Goodness For Staff volunteers take a break from setting up to pose for a photo.

Staff Assembly after the event:

“Thanks to everyone who came out to Thank Goodness For Staff 2019 earlier this week. We hope you had a blast!

“Extra special appreciation to those who volunteered to support the day and night programs... Here's a photo of volunteers who helped set up Russell Field prior to the start of TGFS. You all are the BEST!â€


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